Pepe Saya's Unsalted Cultured Butter is renowned for its rich taste and aroma. Produced in Australia, this butter begins with high-quality local cream that is cultured to develop crème fraîche, which is then churned to create a butter known for its creamy texture and tangy nuances. Free from artificial additives, this butter preserves the natural flavors of the cream, enhancing both cooking and baking dishes with its superior taste. The culturing process not only enriches the flavor but also adds a subtle complexity, making it a favorite amon...
[Read More]Pepe Saya's Unsalted Cultured Butter is renowned for its rich taste and aroma. Produced in Australia, this butter begins with high-quality local cream that is cultured to develop crème fraîche, which is then churned to create a butter known for its creamy texture and tangy nuances. Free from artificial additives, this butter preserves the natural flavors of the cream, enhancing both cooking and baking dishes with its superior taste. The culturing process not only enriches the flavor but also adds a subtle complexity, making it a favorite among culinary professionals and home cooks alike.
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